XT2MD – Burkina Faso DXpedition Wrap-Up
The XT2MD team has officially concluded their DXpedition in Burkina Faso with an impressive 75,000 QSOs logged. Despite facing significant power challenges that kept them off-air for three full da...

VU4X – Andaman Islands DXpedition Preparations
The VU4X team is gearing up for their upcoming DXpedition to the Andaman Islands in March 2025. The team recently held a productive preparation and testing session on November 9, working diligentl...

S9Z – São Tomé & Príncipe DXpedition: Updates and Insights
Operator: S9Z TeamLocation: São Tomé and PríncipeDates: November 10-20, 2024Bands and Modes: 18m FT8, 20m CW, and more Arrival and Initial Operations The S9Z team arrived in São Tomé on November 9...

E51SGC – Live from Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Date: November 10, 2024Location: Rarotonga, Cook IslandsCallsign: E51SGC [QRV Update – November 7] – Shortly after 07:45 UTC on November 7, E51SGC began operations from the scenic island of Raroto...

TO9W – Saint Martin DXpedition: Updates and Insights
The TO9W team is thrilled to announce the next exciting chapter of our DXpedition from the picturesque island of Saint Martin. Our operation began on November 25, 2023, and will continue until Dec...

V55LA Namibia DXpedition: A Successful Journey Comes to an End
The V55LA team has officially wrapped up their DXpedition in Namibia, marking an impressive achievement with around 35,000 QSOs logged despite various challenges. The team disassembled all antenna...

OX3LX – Greenland DX Activity Update
Operator: Bo, OZ1DJJCallsign: OX3LXLocation: GreenlandDates: November 8-25, 2024Grid Squares: GP47 and GP49Bands: HF Bands (activity as time permits) Bo (OZ1DJJ) is back in Greenland and QRV as OX...

D4DX & D4C – Cape Verde DXpedition Update
Operator: Emir, E77DXCallsigns: D4DX (primary), TBA (contest callsign)Location: D4C QTH, Cape VerdeDates: November 13-27, 2024Bands: 160-6 metersAntennas: Yagi (40-6m), 4-square (80m), and vertica...