Summer Symposium by The Bored Net, ARRL Santa Barbara Section Convention 2024

Summer Symposium by The Bored Net, ARRL Santa Barbara Section Convention 2024

Event Details:

  • Date: August 31, 2024
  • Location: Cal State University Channel Islands, 1 University Drive, Camarillo, CA 93010
  • Website: The Bored Net
  • Sponsor: The Bored Net
  • Type: ARRL Convention
  • Talk-In Frequency: 147.915, PL 127.3

Public Contact:

  • Name: Keith Elliott, W6KME
  • Address: 691 Randy Drive, Newbury Park, CA 91320
  • Phone: 805-208-5655
  • Email: KEITH@W6KME.ORG

About The BORED Net: The BORED Net is a daily amateur radio net held on the Bozo Repeater (147.885 MHz, minus offset, PL 127.3). It operates seven days a week, with sessions at 9:00 AM Monday through Saturday and an additional net at 9:00 PM on Saturday. The BORED Net includes a weekly swap net, a monthly field event, and an annual picnic, all open to all hams and clubs in Ventura County.

History: The BORED Net started during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in March 2020 as a way to maintain social connections through amateur radio. Initially, nets were held every three hours, providing a vital source of normalcy and community for hams. The net quickly grew in popularity, involving many who hadn't used their radios in years.

Key Events:

  • Terry Graves Memorial: A 2m simplex contest held during Field Day to honor Terry Graves, K7FE/SK, and to provide a platform for active participation in Field Day events.
  • µField Day (Micro Field Day): A monthly get-together for operating, sharing ideas, training, and socializing. The event often teams up with local clubs for combined activities.
  • Annual Picnic: Held each fall to remember silent keys and to foster community spirit. This includes a net calling out those who were lost during the previous year.

Symposium Activities:

  • Informative talks and presentations on various amateur radio topics.
  • Demonstrations of new technologies and equipment.
  • Opportunities for networking and skill-building.
  • Swap meet for buying, selling, and trading radio equipment.


  • Open to all amateur radio enthusiasts and clubs.

Come and join the Summer Symposium by The Bored Net for a day filled with learning, community, and amateur radio activities!

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