North Brevard Amateur Radio Club (K4NBR): Diverse Activities with a Focus on Public Service

North Brevard Amateur Radio Club (K4NBR): Diverse Activities with a Focus on Public Service

The ARRL website shows the North Brevard Amateur Radio Club (K4NBR) as a club offering a variety of programs and activities with a focus on public service.

Key Points About North Brevard Amateur Radio Club:

  • Diverse Interests: Their specialties encompass contesting, digital modes, general ham radio topics, public service/emergency communication, repeaters, working with schools/youth groups, and VHF/UHF communication, catering to a broad range of interests.
  • Public Service Oriented: While they offer a variety of activities, their focus on public service suggests a commitment to supporting the community.
  • Support for New Hams: Their services include entry-level and general license classes, license test sessions, and mentors, indicating a welcoming environment for new hams.
  • Regular Meetings: Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM at The Great Outdoors, Hobbyland Building.

Is North Brevard Amateur Radio Club a Good Fit for You?

  • Located in Brevard County (Specific location unconfirmed): If you're in Brevard County and interested in ham radio, North Brevard ARC could be a great option, offering a variety of programs and activities.
  • Public Service Focus: This club might be a good fit if you're passionate about using ham radio for public service.
  • Diverse Interests: Their broad range of activities caters to a variety of ham radio interests.
  • New to Ham Radio: Their support for new hams through licensing classes, mentors, and license test sessions is a plus.

Connecting with North Brevard Amateur Radio Club:

  • Contact: Reach out to Mary R. Haag KJ4HDJ, the President and Contact, via email ( to inquire about specific activities, meetings, or general club information.
  • Explore Their Website: Visit their website ( for details on their programs, upcoming events, and potentially more information about their activities.

Overall, the North Brevard Amateur Radio Club appears to be a well-rounded club with a focus on public service and supporting new hams. Their diverse specialties, support systems, and repeater network make them a valuable resource for anyone interested in ham radio in the Brevard County area. Consider contacting them directly to learn more about their specific programs and see if their club environment aligns with your preferences.

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Explore Your Ham Radio Passion with the Amateur Radio Association of South West Florida (ARASWF)
Amateur Radio Emergency Services of Brevard (N4TDX): Focus on Public Service Communication

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