Major EH Armstrong Memorial Radio Club (W2XMN): Smaller Club Focused on Public Service in West Palm Beach

Major EH Armstrong Memorial Radio Club (W2XMN): Smaller Club Focused on Public Service in West Palm Beach

The ARRL website shows the Major EH Armstrong Memorial Radio Club (W2XMN) as a smaller club in West Palm Beach with a focus on public service and VHF/UHF communication.

Key Points About Major EH Armstrong Memorial Radio Club:

  • Smaller Club: With only 7 members, W2XMN offers a very intimate environment for interaction.
  • Focus on Public Service and VHF/UHF: Their main interests lie in public service communication and VHF/UHF communication.
  • Limited Meeting Schedule: They only meet quarterly, which might not be ideal for those seeking frequent interaction.
  • Supportive Environment: Their services include mentors, suggesting they welcome new hams seeking guidance.
  • Repeater Network: They operate a repeater network.

Is Major EH Armstrong Memorial Radio Club a Good Fit for You?

  • Located in West Palm Beach, FL: If you're in West Palm Beach and interested in public service and VHF/UHF communication in a small-group setting, W2XMN could be an option, but consider the meeting schedule.
  • Public Service Minded: This club is a good fit if you're interested in using your ham radio skills to support the community during emergencies.
  • New to Ham Radio: While their primary focus is public service, they offer mentorship for new hams.
  • Infrequent Meetings: The limited meeting schedule (quarterly) might be a drawback for some.

Connecting with Major EH Armstrong Memorial Radio Club:

  • Contact: Reach out to Jeff Beals WA4AW, the contact person and President, via email ( to inquire about specific activities, meetings, or general club information.
  • Explore Their Website: Visit their website ( for details on the club (although the website might not be actively maintained).

Overall, the Major EH Armstrong Memorial Radio Club appears to be a small, close-knit group focused on public service communication and VHF/UHF in West Palm Beach. While they offer mentorship for new members, their infrequent meetings might be a consideration. Contacting them directly can help you determine if their focus and meeting schedule align with your interests.

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