Explore the World of Ham Radio with the Delmarva Amateur Radio Club (K3DRC)!

Explore the World of Ham Radio with the Delmarva Amateur Radio Club (K3DRC)!

Attention all ham radio enthusiasts in Maryland and Delaware! The Delmarva Amateur Radio Club (DARC), operating under the call sign K3DRC, offers a welcoming environment for anyone interested in exploring the exciting world of amateur radio.

A Club for Casual Enthusiasts and Social Interaction

Established in 1975, DARC fosters a relaxed and social atmosphere perfect for anyone with a general interest in ham radio:

  • Connect with Fellow Enthusiasts: The club holds monthly meetings on the 4th Wednesday at 7:00 PM at the Wicomico Presbyterian Church (except for May and November dinner meetings held at announced locations). These meetings provide a platform for socializing, sharing experiences, and learning from other ham radio operators.
  • Stay Informed on the Airwaves: The club description mentions an informational repeater net on Monday evenings, a QCWA net on Sunday mornings, and a youth-led net on Monday evenings (all at 9:00 PM on 146.82 MHz repeater with 156.7 PL tone). These nets offer opportunities to connect with other ham radio operators and stay informed about local activities.
  • Benefit from Mentorship: The club description mentions mentors, suggesting that experienced ham radio operators provide guidance and support to newcomers as they embark on their ham radio journey (contact the club to confirm details on mentor availability).

Reliable Communication with Repeaters

Beyond social interaction, DARC utilizes technology to enhance communication:

  • Maintaining Repeaters: The club maintains repeaters, extending the communication range for ham radio operators in the area. This ensures smooth communication and keeps members connected, especially during nets or informal communication.

Join the Delmarva Amateur Radio Club and Discover the Fun of Ham Radio!

The Delmarva Amateur Radio Club offers a relaxed and welcoming environment for anyone interested in exploring the world of ham radio. Whether you're a seasoned ham or just starting out, DARC provides opportunities for social interaction, on-air communication, and potentially even mentorship. Contact Roger N. Carey (K3RNC) for more information and to get involved!

Don't wait! Expand your social circle, explore the possibilities of ham radio communication, and join the Delmarva Amateur Radio Club today!

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